not having the last word
looking past faults to the value underneath
remembering the moment you met
forgetting the moment he did that thing
putting gas in the car when you know she'll drive it next
cooking the favorite meal, even with the onions
letting the other person pick the movie
leaving with a kiss that says I’ll miss you
greeting with a kiss that says I really did
laughing at the joke, again
wanting to hear the story, again
finishing her sentences
reading his mind
knowing the mind can’t always be read
sharing the last piece of pie
saying she looks good at twenty
saying she looks great at eighty
not buying him what you want for Christmas
inside jokes
passion all night
taking turns with the sick kid all night
knowing when someone needs to talk
letting her cry in your arms
asking for forgiveness when you know you need it
asking for forgiveness when you don’t understand why you need it
knowing they’ll be there tomorrow, and the next day