Sunday, January 27, 2013

27 Days and Counting

This January, I jumped on board the 365 project.  The plan?  To take a photo a day for 365 days to document an entire year in the life of our family.  I had a few friends who did it last year, so I'd been thinking about it for awhile.  The new year seemed like a great time to get started.

Only twenty-seven days in, and I've already learned quite a bit.

1.  It's harder than you'd think to remember to take a photo a day.  There have already been a couple days that I forgot and had to find a picture on someone else's facebook to "borrow" for my project.

2.  My life is not so full of exciting happenings, but a whole lot of ordinary joys that add up to make an exciting life.  It's the shot of our boys walking close together, our daughter snuggling with our doggie, or my husband making a crazy face at our son that I keep going back to gaze at again and again.  Small moments captured forever.

3.  Time goes by quickly.  A month of 2013 is almost gone, and with just a few scrolls of the iphone, I can glance through day after day of happenings--and they just keep coming and coming.  And every one of them means my kids are a day closer to being "grown up."  If there was a way to freeze time with my photo, I think I woud do it often.

4.  We have great friends.  The people in our lives had made their way into our photos, and I treasure their faces.  Playing with our kids, volunteering at our church, laughing with my husband--friends sharing life with us.  What an honor.

5.  I am blessed beyond measure.  No fame.  No fortune.  Just real life, shared with the people I love.  What more could a girl ask for? 

Author's Note:  Want to start your own 365 project?  I'm keeping mine on my iphone, and plan to print my pictures in a photo album at the end of the year.  Other people are sharing theirs with a photo community at  You can check it out to see glimpses of 365 projects from all over the world.